Tuesday, September 20, 2011

People don't want advice when they ask for it (most of the time)

They just want someone to listen to their drama/woes, because when you do give them HONEST advice, they don't want to take it nor will they actually do anything about it. They want to feel important. Only you can help yourself and decide if you are going to change your own situation. It drives me bonkers when people pretend they want my advice, when they really want someone to cry to.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I wonder....

How much better of a dancer I would be if I didn't work full time, get tired, and clean house (how did I get stuck with domesticated duties???) . What if I had the financial means for equipment, trainers etc etc, I could go on and on! I'm pissed. That is all.

Drivers in Hollywood

Hollywood driving drives me CRAZY. I live 2 miles from work and I feel unsafe in the rush everyone is in to get where ever they are going. Can we do it safely please? Is it worth getting in a car accident over? I love it when cars that are turning right only look left for cars coming towards them, while ignoring the pedestrian who is crossing the street to their right. I LOVE IT! Nothing brings me more joy than running and having slight concern that I might die because someone doesn't want to think. I also love it when people tailgate and then switch lanes only to get 8 feet ahead, wow that really made your trip faster huh? Should I join the club and start using my horn and middle finger? Yes.


Hello world. I needed an outlet for things that piss me off on the daily basis because it is unhealthy to keep it bottled up. I prefer to share it via internet. I needed a place that not many people who know me know about this blog and a place where I don't give a fuck about grammatical errors. I have no desire to write fancy artistic prose or dress up my yelp review in fancy clothes, I just want to bitch. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.